When I put away my digital pen for the evening, I sat back and realised that since publishing the first volume of The Constance Chronicles, ‘Cursed Remembrance’, I have not posted a single blog. It is not that I have nothing of note to write about, but simply the storm of work that I have run, head-first, into.

Though I do promise that I am closing in on the finish line of volume 2, what has truly taken my time is what I foremost mentioned. In December 2021, I was offered/requested to provide an exhibit of my artwork. I am a recently turned digital artist, and displayed a few pieces of my art for sale at a gallery, in a combination exhibit and was lucky enough to sell every piece I put on show. Which is why, of course, you can comprehend why I was approached for more, which I had none to give.
With the exhibition date erratically approaching, these last few months have forced me to draw like a person possessed, to fulfil a chance I simply could not ignore.
But with said work done, I now turn back to my first love, writing stories about a fiendishly, wicked, self-centred individual, known as Constance Delaware.
As well as making a few more notes and chapters, on a future story I have in the making for a, much, later release.
With all been said, I am already glancing at my notes and drafts, itching to tap away, again, at the next chapter in ‘The Constance Chronicles Volume 2’. So, without further adieu, I must adhere to the call of shadows.

P.s I have have posted the last image I drew for said exhibit. I hope you like it.


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